Danville School Board to Vote on Superintendent’s Administrative Leave, Interim Appointment

Danville School Board to Vote on Superintendent’s Administrative Leave, Interim Appointment: Danvile four months after Superintendent Alicia Geddis began working remotely due to what she has called security threats, the Danville school board plans to discuss Geddis’s Continued employment at this week’s board meeting. In this article, we discussed this in detail.

Danville School Board to Vote on Superintendent’s Administrative Leave, Interim Appointment

This nice agenda for the meeting is set for 6:30 PM on Wednesday at the Dr, David L. Fields Administrative Service Center, including motions to approve an amended contract with Geddis and place her on paid administrative leave, consider the appointment of an intern superintendent, and approve the hiring of a search firm to conducted a search firm to search for a permanent successor.

Geddis’s absence from the office resulted in complaints by the Danville School District 118 staff, who were expected to stage a “sick out” today. As a precaution district officials have cancelled school for today. A notice was sent to all students’ families Monday night. Next Geddis could not be reached for comment Monday morning, The school board members either declined to comment or could not be reached.

Last month, Geddis said her remote-work status remained the same, saying she was following the direction of the majority of the board of education,” She voted to allow her to work remotely due to alleged threats against her.

Now, the school board will consider placing Geddis on Paid administrative leave during a Wednesday night Board of Education special meeting.

According to the Board Agenda, They will discuss multiple motions  including

  • Motion to consider recommendation to approve amended employment agreement for the Superintendent
  • Motion to consider the recommendation to place the Superintendent on paid administrative leave
  • Motion to consider the appointment of an internSuperintendent
  • Motion to approve the hiring of a search firm to conduct a Superintendent search
  • The meeting will take place on Feb. 19. It will start at 5:30 pm in the Service Center which is located at 110 E. Williams Street. The Board will go into a closed session at 5:30 PM and is scheduled to recover into an open meeting

The board released a statement in November saying Geddis should return to in-person work.” The board takes threats to our employees seriously. ” It said,” After considering the information provided by the Danville Police Department and given the current status of the FBI investigation as ongoing, the board has reached a consensus tp have the superintendent return to onsite work.”

Geddis ah said she`s been available for district matters and school board President Randal Aston said previously that ” we still get the work done.” There is a small difference in both situations that we have,” he said,” we do try to get things better and it’s worked out to this point pretty well. Is it something that we want to continue in the future month? Not, So we have to get some work done and make some tough decisions.”

We still get the work done.” school board President Randal Ashton also has said.” There is little difficulty in the situation. Geddis last appeared in person at a school meeting in October, and no new details have been released about the results of a security company`s safety assessment on the district administration building.

Danville Public School

The school Biard of the City of Danville is a seven-member group of elected citizens. Members are elected to staggered four-year terms School  Board meetings are generally held on the first and third Thursday of each month. and It will start at 5:30 pm in the Service Center which is located at 110 E. Williams Street. The Board will go into a closed session at 5:30 PM


In this article, we discussed the Danville School Board to Vote on the Superintendent’s Administrative Leave, Interim Appointment and the school board will consider placing Geddis on Paid administrative leave during a Wednesday night Board of Education special meeting. And Geddis ah said she`s been available for district matters and school board President Randal Aston said previously that ” we still get the work done.” There is a small difference in both situations that we have. The school Biard of the City of Danville is a seven-member group of elected citizens.

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