Survey Reveals Most Parents Lack Confidence in Seattle Public Schools’ Education Standards: According to the Seattle Times, citing the survey analysis, parents are concerned about the quality of education offered at SPS with 86% surveyed citing education quality as a top reason for disenrolling their kids.
Survey Reveals Most Parents Lack Confidence in Seattle Public Schools’ Education Standards
Seattle Public School (SPS) has taken parents through a whirlwind after it announced in October that eight schools would be merging and then rescinding those plans a month later. On Friday, The Seattle Times reported that survey result revealed more than half of parents surveyed last year said they had considered pulling their children from SPS, but why?
All things According to The Seattle Times, reproducing the survey analysis parents are concerned about the quality of education offered at SPS with 86% surveyed citing education quality as the top reason for disenrolling their kids. It is also found fewer children born in Settle are enrolling in SPS, with enrollment dropping 19% from the 2012-13 to 2023-24 school years.
Background of Seattle Public Schools` closures
Settle Public School Announced on October 24, via its website, that it would be merging eight schools, so closing four schools in each region of the Northwest region. There are three regions The northern region, the Central region and the Southwest region.
Less than a week later, more than three dozen patients and children rallied outside Seattle`s Sacjawea Elementary School with signs and chants to protest its proposed Board Previously approved to close before the 2025-26 school year. On November 25, SPS superintendent Brent Jones announced that the district would not proceed with school closures or consolidations for the 2025-26 academic year.
In his letter, jones noted the Seattle School Board had directed him to come up with a plan for courses and consolidations to “Address enrollment declines budgetary challenges, stabilising programs and services.”
Why have thousands left Seattle School?
If Settle Public School wants to retain its current student and attract new ones, it should focus on improving the quality of its education. Recently took a survey. and according to a recent survey taken as part of a district-commissioned enrollment study. 60% of adults with children in the SPS Surveyed last year said they had considered disenrolling their children because of concerns about education quality. According to the survey they finding 86% of those who had disenrolled their children said education quality was among the top three reasons why.
According to the survey, caregivers with children in the system also considered leaving SPS because of better options and their children`s safety, even though 86% said they were satisfied with their experience in the district. The district has 49,240 students after enrollment inched up by 14 students this school year.
Jones explained this latest decision” It was not made lightly and affects the Board and shared priority: the needs and well-being of our students, families and community.” The decision allows those involved to look at the situation more and “thoughtfully determine” The next steps.
Superintendent Given Extension
The SPS Board has approved a one-year contract extension for Suprintedwnt Brent Jones, Extending his tenure through June 2027.
The Settle Times reports that Four Months ago, the board unanimously approved an agreement with Jones to keep him through June 2026. This extension vote was not unanimous. Director Joe Mizrahi stated that approving the extension now will help Jones and his team develop and execute a plan to meet the district`s academic goals for the next five years.
In contrast, Director Liza Rankin expressed concerns, noting a lack of improvement in some areas and argued that now is not the time to discuss an extension.
The Extension does not include a raise, but last October`s deal increased Jones`salary by $13,395 annually, bringing it to $348,395.
In this article we discussed Survey Reveals Most Parents Lack Confidence in Seattle Public Schools’ Education Standards and Seattle Public School (SPS) has taken parents through a whirlwind after it announced in October that eight schools would be merging and then rescinding those plans a month later. Survey analysis does not explain why caregivers opted not to enrol their children in SPS. The survey didn`t define education quality but in response to another question. There are three regions The northern region, the Central region and the Southwest region.